Hand #12: Jon Graham Out in 6th Place ($146,245)

Feb 11, 2015

Jon Graham

Kelly Minkin raises under the gun to 190,000, Jon Graham moves all in from the cutoff for 1,415,000, and Minkin calls with QheartQclub. Graham turns over KspadeQdiamond. Graham needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes 10heart5heart5diamondJheart6spade — Graham turns an open-ended straight draw, but improves no further. Minkin wins the pot with her pocket queens to eliminate Graham in sixth place.

Seat 1.  Brian Altman  –  10,320,000
Seat 2.  Mark Dube  –  12,160,000
Seat 3.  Sanjay Gehi  –  1,970,000
Seat 4.  Kelly Minkin  –  5,195,000
Seat 5.  Greg Rosen  –  1,150,000
Seat 6.  Jon Graham  –  Eliminated in 6th Place ($146,245)

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