Hand #117: Tony Behari Eliminated in 4th Place ($230,000)

Mar 20, 2009

Steve Brecher has the button in seat 3.

Chris Moore raises under the gun to 55,000, Tony Behari moves all in from the small blind for 388,000, and Kathy Liebert calls. Moore folds, and Behari shows [Kh8h]. Liebert shows [10d10h], and she’ll need it to hold to bust Behari.

The flop comes [Js7d2h], and Liebert retains the lead. The turn card is the [3c], and Behari needs a king on the river to stay alive. The river card is the [4s], and Kathy Liebert wins the pot with her pocket tens.

Tony Behari is eliminated in fourth place, earning $230,000.

Pot Size  –  843,000

Chris Moore  –  1,200,000
Steve Brecher  –  2,061,000
Tony Behari  –  Out in 4th Place ($230,000)
Kathy Liebert  –  4,560,000

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