Hand #117: Motoyoshi Okamura Eliminated in 4th Place ($157,858)

Jan 29, 2024

Motoyoshi Okamura
Photo:  Motoyoshi Okamura

HAND #117  –  Joshua Mccully raises from the cutoff to 425,000, Motoyoshi Okamura moves all in from the big blind for 2,275,000, and Mccully snap-calls with Spade QDiamond Q.

Okamura turns over Club ASpade 6, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Diamond 10Spade 8Heart 8Club 10Club Q, and Mccully leads the entire way, spiking an unnecessary queen on the river to win the pot with a full house, queens full of tens, to eliminate Okamura in fourth place.

Joshua Mccully  –  8,025,000  (40 bb)
Motoyoshi Okamura  –  Eliminated in 4th Place  ($157,858)

Motoyoshi Okamura
Photo:  Motoyoshi Okamura

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