Hand #110: Yakiv Syzghanov Doubles Thru Laurent Michot

Feb 5, 2024

Yakiv Syzghanov
Photo:  Yakiv Syzghanov

HAND #110  –  Yakiv Syzghanov raises to 1,300,000, and Laurent Michot asks for a rough count of his stack before he uses a Time Chip to tank for a while before he moves all in.

Syzghanov quickly calls all in for 7,900,000 with Heart KClub 9, and he needs it to hold to stay alive against Michot’s Diamond JClub 10.

The board comes Spade KClub 6Heart 3Club KSpade 9, and Syzghanov pairs his king on the flop, turns trips, and rivers a full house to win the pot and double up in chips.

Yakiv Syzghanov  –  16,300,000  (33 bb)
Laurent Michot  –  21,600,000  (43 bb)

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