Hand #11: Thao Le Eliminated in 5th Place ($180,000)

Mar 20, 2009

Chris Moore has the button in seat 1.

Kathy Liebert raises from the cutoff to 36,000, and Thao Le calls from the small blind. The flop comes [5s2d2h], Thao checks, Liebert bets 40,000, and Thao calls. The turn card is the [6s], Thao bets 80,000, and Liebert thinks for a bit before she raises to 230,000.

Thao Le thinks for about a minute before he moves all in for 796,000, and Liebert quickly calls with [AcAh]. Thao shows [QcQh], and he’ll need to catch a queen to stay alive.

Even though Thao Le is a local player, the crowd is clearly on Kathy Liebert’s side here, cheering wildly.

The river card is the [7h], and Kathy Liebert wins the pot with her pocket aces.

Thao Le is eliminated in fifth place, earning $180,000.

Pot Size  –  1,772,000

Chris Moore  –  1,649,000
Thao Le  –  Out in 5th Place ($180,000)
Steve Brecher  –  2,142,000
Tony Behari  –  1,872,000
Kathy Liebert  –  2,158,000

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