Hand #11: Money Bubble Bursts! Carlo Catelani Eliminated by Josef Gulas

Sep 6, 2024

In Hand #11 of hand-for-hand play, Josef Gulas raises from the small blind to 30,000, Carlo Catelani reraises from the big blind to 100,000, and Gulas calls.

The flop comes Heart AHeart 9Spade 6, Gulas checks, Catelani bets 100,000, and Gulas check-raises all in for about 800,000. Catelani thinks for a while before he calls all in for about 285,000.

Once action is complete on all of the other tables, they turn over their cards. Catelani shows Diamond AClub 10 for a pair of aces, but Gulas turns over Club ASpade Q for a pair of aces with a higher kicker. Catelani needs to improve to stay alive.

The turn card is the Heart 7, giving Catelani a gutshot straight draw, but the river card is the Diamond 7. Gulas wins the pot to eliminate Catelani to burst the Day 1B Money Bubble.

Josef Gulas  –  1,206,000  (101 bb)
Carlo Catelani  –  Eliminated

The surviving 37 players are now bagging and tagging their chips for Day 2, which begins on Sunday at 12:00 noon. Stay tuned for official chip counts.

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