Hand #109: Giovanni Ursoleo Eliminated in 4th Place (€35,400)

May 15, 2023

Marco Niederdeppe and Giovanni Ursoleo
Photo:  Marco Niederdeppe (left) and Giovanni Ursoleo stand together to watch the dealer put out the board.

HAND #109  –  Marco Niederdeppe raises from the button to 275,000, Giovanni Ursoleo moves all in from the big blind for about 2,200,000, and Niederdeppe snap-calls with Spade ADiamond A.

Ursoleo turns over Spade 4Club 4, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The first four cards come Heart 10Heart 5Heart 3Heart 2, giving Ursoleo an open-ended straight draw, with additional outs to a chop if a heart comes.

But the river card is the Spade 8, and Niederdeppe wins the pot with his pocket aces to eliminate Ursoleo in fourth place.

Marco Niederdeppe  –  6,550,000  (52 bb)
Giovanni Ursoleo  –  Eliminated in 4th Place  (€35,400)

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