Hand #108: Joe Nguyen Cracks 10 Million in Chips

Mar 8, 2013

Kai Chang raises from the button to 175,000, and Joe Nguyen calls from the small blind. The flop comes [As6d5c], Nguyen checks, Chang bets 175,000, and Nguyen calls.

The turn is the [8s], Nguyen checks, Chang bets 200,000, and Nguyen quickly check-min-raises to 400,000. Chang thinks for a bit before he folds, and Nguyen takes the pot.

Seat 1.  Joe Nguyen  –  10,365,000
Seat 2.  Erik Seidel  –  630,000
Seat 4.  Paul Volpe  –  2,135,000
Seat 5.  Kai Chang  –  6,165,000

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