Hand #108-109 - Nut Flush for Senchylo

Aug 26, 2024

Hand #108 – Emile Abi-Daher limps from the hijack with Club ADiamond 7 and calls a raise to 1,300,000 from Tudor Purice with Heart KClub Q  in the small blind.

The Club KHeart 8Heart 2 flop is checked through, as is the Spade Q turn. On the Diamond 4 river Purice leads out for 1,400,000 but gets no action with his two pair.

Hand #109 – Yurii Senchylo opens to 750,000 from the hijack with Heart AHeart K and is called by Tudor Purice with Club ADiamond J on the button.

The flop comes Heart JHeart 5Heart 2, Senchylo flopping the nut flush, and he bets 600,000. Purice calls.

The turn comes Spade 7, and Senchylo checks. Purice fires out a bet of 1,250,000, and Senchylo just calls.

The Club 5 river completes the board, and is checked through.

Tudor Purice – 23,600,000
Yurii Senchylo – 10,500,000

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