Hand #105-107 - Aleksandre Apryan Doubles Via Tudor Purice

Aug 26, 2024

Hand #105 – Emile Abi-Daher limps from the small blind with Club QDiamond 2 but folds to a jam from Yurii Senchylo with Diamond QHeart 9.

Hand #106 – Tudor Purice opens to 600,000 from the hijack and is faced with a three-bet jam by Aleks Apryan to 950,000. Purice calls.

Aleks Apryan: Club QClub 10
Tudor Purice: Club ADiamond 10

Apryan is in trouble but flops a straight draw on Spade JSpade 8Heart 4, and although the Diamond 2 turn is a brick, he binks the Club 9 river to hit the queen-high straight and take the double-up. 

Aleks Apryan – 2,400,000
Tudor Purice – 23,300,000  

Hand #107: Emile Abi-Daher limps Heart KHeart J, letting Tudor Purice see a flop with Club 10Diamond 9 in the big blind.

The flop is Heart 5Diamond 4Diamond 3 and it’s checked to the Diamond 6 turn.  Purice bets 500,000 and gets called.

On the river Diamond Q they check it down and Purice’s flush wins.

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