Hand #10: Jimmy Chen Doubles Thru Joe Cashen

Mar 24, 2019

In Hand #10 of hand-for-hand play on the Money Bubble, Jimmy Chen moves all in from middle position for 83,000, and Joe Cashen calls from the big blind. They are told to keep their cards face down until action is completed at all the other tables.

A crowd gathers around the table, waiting to see the outcome, and Chen looks around and says, “I wonder how many people are rooting for me?” The crowd laughs, which is an answer in itself.

When action completes at all the other tables, they show their cards, and Chen is ahead with Spade ADiamond K against Cashen’s Heart AHeart Q.

The board comes Spade 9Heart 7Diamond 4Heart 5Spade 10, and Chen wins the pot with his king kicker to double up in chips.

Jimmy Chen  –  178,000  (22 bb)
Joe Cashen  –  185,000  (23 bb)

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