Hand #1: Sarah Herzali Triples Up

Jun 26, 2017

Sarah Herzali
Photo:  Sarah Herzali

In Hand #1 on the Money Bubble, chipleader Jon Borenstein raises from middle position to 6,500, Jeff Mohr calls from middle position, and Sarah Herzali moves all in from the small blind for 25,900. Borenstein and Mohr both call, and any additional betting will create a side pot.

Both Borenstein and Mohr check to the river on a board of Diamond 9Spade 7Heart 2Club 3Spade Q, and all three players turn over their cards:

Jon Borenstein:  Spade JSpade 10
Jeff Mohr:  Diamond ADiamond 10
Sarah Herzali:  Heart AClub K

Nobody hit anything to improve, and Herzali wins the pot with her naked ace-king to triple up in chips.

Sarah Herzali  –  84,100  (28 bb)

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