Hand #1: Money Bubble Pops! Ionel Serbu Eliminated by Shlomi Malka

Jun 7, 2024

S22 WPT Prime Sanremo-7164
Photo: Ionel Serbu

In the first hand of hand-for-hand play on the money bubble, which is also the first hand of Level 16, Ionel Serbu pushes all in for 47,000.

Gregory Luttke-Grech calls on the button and Shlomi Malka cold three-bets to 188,000 in the small blind. Luttke-Grech folds and the remaining two table their hands.

Ionel Serbu: Spade KDiamond K
Shlomi Malka: Spade AClub A

The cooler of a hand shows little excitement for Serbu on a Spade 10Spade 8Diamond 2 flop. The Spade J turn and Club 6 river are of no help for Serbu who takes an exit on the money bubble.

Shlomi Malka – 648,000 (65 bb)
Ionel Serbu – Eliminated on the money bubble

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