Han Kuo Over Two Million in Chips

Jan 14, 2018

Marius Pertea raised to 50,000 and Han Kuo called. The flop came Heart 8Spade 5Heart 3 and Pertea continued for 61,000. Kuo called and the turn brought the Heart 6.

This time Pertea checked and Kuo bet 80,000. Pertea called.

The river was the Spade 7 and Pertea checked again. Kuo bet 125,000 and Pertea quickly called. Kuo showed Spade 9Club 9 for a rivered straight.

“Lucky river,” said Pertea as he mucked, “I had a set of course.”

Han Kuo – 2,250,000 (113bb)
Marius Pertea – 850,000 (43bb)

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