Hafu Shutout as Botez Advances

Jun 18, 2021

Hafu done

Rumay “Hafu” Wang opens to 4,800 from the button with Heart AHeart 9 on blinds of 1,200/2,400. Alexandra Botez looks down at Diamond KDiamond 8 and elects to defend her big blind. Botez hits two pair on the Spade KHeart QSpade 8 flop and bets 4,800.

Hafu calls and a Heart 5 turn brings a flush draw for her. Botez bets 9,600 with her top two and Hafu decides to shove over the top, totaling 52,200. Botez snaps and the two table their hands.

Hafu sees the Heart K river land and gets excited as she completes her flush but does not notice Botez also hit on the river, giving her a boat. Botez scoops in the pot and Hafu was eliminated, dropping the series 2-0.

Alexandra Botez – 200,000
Rumay “Hafu” Wang – 0

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