Guy Calvert Eliminated in 23rd Place by John Hennigan

Mar 1, 2016

Guy Calvert

Guy Calvert (pictured) raises from the hijack to 27,000, John Hennigan reraises from the big blind to 75,000, and Calvert calls. The flop comes Spade JDiamond 9Club 4, Hennigan bets 75,000, and Calvert calls.

The turn card is the Diamond 4, Hennigan checks, Calvert moves all in for about 435,000, and Hennigan calls with Heart AClub A. Calvert turns over Spade QClub Q, and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The river card is the Club 10, and the pocket aces hold up for Hennigan to win the pot and eliminate Calvert from the tournament.

John Hennigan  –  1,270,000  (106 bb)
Guy Calvert  –  Eliminated in 23rd Place  ($38,450)

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