Guancheng Wu Falls on the Feature to Yao Yao

Jul 20, 2023

Yao Yao

Yao Yao (pictured limps the hijack, Yin Tao completes the small blind, and Guancheng Wu pushes from the big blind for a total of 425,000. Yao calls and Tao discards, leaving Wu at risk as the cards turn.

Guancheng Wu: Club ASpade 2
Yao Yao: Diamond ASpade K

Wu Guancheng
Pictured: Guancheng Wu falls on Day 3

Yao has the dominating hand heading into the Heart KDiamond 6Diamond 4 where she takes a frim grasp with here flopped king. Wu is drawing dead after after the Diamond J turn lands and Yao adds insult to injury with a Diamond 5 river giving her the flush.

Yao Yao – 2,100,000 (84 bb)
Guancheng Wu – Eliminated

Feature table coverage can be viewed – WPT Korea Main Event

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