Gregory Fishberg Saved on the River

Dec 8, 2023

Greg FishbergPhoto: Gregory Fishberg

After a preflop betting war, Gregory Fishberg and another player get all the chips into the middle, with Fishberg at risk. 

Fishberg tables Club 9Heart 9 while his opponent flips over Diamond ASpade K for a classic flip. 

Unfortunately for Fishberg, the flop of Club AHeart 5Diamond 7 immediately gives the lead to his opponent as he hits his ace. 

When the turn comes the Heart J, Fishberg stands up and begins to walk away, but is immediately called back when the miracle Diamond 9 spikes the river to give him a set of nines to take the pot. 

“Yeah that walk-away equity is like an extra 6%,” Tablemate Mike Holtz jokes as Fishberg stacks his new chips. 

Gregory Fishberg – 235,000 (147 bb)

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