Greenwood Gets Paid, Leaves Botez Short

Jun 20, 2021

big hand


Sam Greenwood opens to 1,650 from the button with Diamond AClub 9 on blinds of 400/800 and Alexandra Botez calls, holding Spade AHeart 3. The Club AHeart 7Spade 2 flop lands and Botez check-calls a continuation bet from Greenwood that was around 2,200.

Botez checks once the Heart 9 turn peels off, Greenwood bets 9,680 and Botez calls once more. The Spade Q completes the community and Botez leads for 20,385. Greenwood shoves 79,945. Botez calls with her pair of bullets and sends a large part of her stack over to Greenwood is more than good with his two pair.


Sam Greenwood – 184,700
Alexandra Botez – 15,300

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