Glenn Difurio Eliminated in 17th Place by Harrison Ashdown

May 6, 2024

Glenn DifurioPhoto: Glenn Difurio

After being left short the previous hand, Glen Difurio moves all in preflop for his last 150,000 and is called by Harrison Ashdown to put him at risk. 

Difurio: Club ASpade 7
Ashdown: Spade JClub J

Difurio will need some help to stay alive against Ashdown’s jacks, but the runout of Club 3Club 10Spade 5Heart 4Heart 5 does not do it and he is eliminated in 17th place. 

Harison Ashdown – 1,700,000 (28 bb)
Glenn Difurio – Eliminated in 17th place ($22,400)

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