Giuseppe Ditaranto Eliminated by Karim Frick

Sep 7, 2023

Giuseppe Ditaranto jams his last 36,000 from late position and gets called by Karim Frick on the button.

Giuseppe Ditaranto: Club AHeart K
Karim Frick: Heart JClub J

The flop comes Club QDiamond JClub 5, giving Frick a set of jacks, and leaving Ditaranto needing a ten to make Broadway.

Instead, the dealer puts down the Heart 4 on the turn and the now useless Diamond A on the river to bring the players down to the final three tables, with just six more eliminations needed to make the money and end Day 1B.

Karim Frick – 260,000 (52 bb)
Giuseppe Ditaranto – eliminated

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