Giorgi Gorgaslidze and Ioana Apostol Battle

Aug 24, 2024

Giorgi GorgaslidzePhoto: Giorgi Gorgaslidze

Ioana Aposstol raises to 6,000 in middle position and gets called by Giorgi Gorgaslidze in the big blind.

On the Heart ASpade QSpade 8 flop, after Gorgaslidze checks and Apostol bets 4,000, Gorgaslidze check-raises to 10,000.

After a bit of thought, Apostol calls and the dealer turns the Club Q

Gorgaslidze now leads for 11,000 which is met with a raise to 25,000 by Apostol. Gorgaslidze wastes little time in moving all in, which gets a fold from Apostol to preserve her remaining 80,000 chips.

Giorgi Gorgaslidze – 133,000 (44 bb)
Ioana Apostol: 80,000 (27 bb)

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