Gintautas Putinas Eliminated in 62nd Place in a Three-Way Pot

Feb 1, 2017

Farhad Jamasi moves all in from the button for 238,000, Gintautas Putinas moves all in over the top from the small blind for about 330,000, and Casey Yontz calls from the big blind, covering both players.

Casey Yontz:  Diamond ASpade K
Gintautas Putinas:  Heart 10Club 10
Farhad Jamasi:  Spade AHeart K

The board comes Club AClub 6Heart 3Heart QDiamond 3, and Yontz and Jamasi both flop a pair of aces to chop the main pot. Yontz wins the smaller side pot to eliminate Putinas in 62nd place.

Casey Yontz  –  760,000  (63 bb)
Farhad Jamasi  –  410,000  (34 bb)
Gintautas Putinas  –  Eliminated in 62nd Place  ($10,289)

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