Gintautas Putinas Doubles Thru Eric Liebeler

Mar 23, 2019

Gintautas Putinas

After a flop of Heart ADiamond QDiamond J with about 5,400 already in the pot, a player in early position checks, Eric Liebeler bets, and Gintautas Putinas (pictured) moves all in from the button for 10,200. The early position player folds, and Liebeler thinks for a while before he calls with Club AClub 8 for a pair of aces.

Putinas turns over Diamond 10Diamond 7 for a diamond flush draw with a gutshot straight draw, and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The turn card is the Heart Q, the river card is a X K, and Putinas rivers an ace-high straight to win the pot and double up in chips.

Gintautas Putinas  –  26,000  (43 bb)
Eric Liebeler  –  46,000  (77 bb)

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