Gintara Simaitis Doubles Through Andrea Benelli

Dec 20, 2013

Gintaras Simaitis (Day 4) Andrea Benelli opens the hijack and both Roger Hairabedian (SB) and Gintaras Simaitis (BB) make the call.

Flop: [Ac] [Jh] [6h]

The action checks to Benelli, who bets 35,000, and only Simaitis calls.

Turn: [7d]

Both players check.

River: [Kc]

Simaitis checks, Benelli moves all-in and Simaitis calls.

It’s [Kh] [7h] for two pair for Simaitis, and Benelli is forced to show [Qs] [5c] for the airball.

Simaitis ~ 410,000
Benelli ~ 240,000

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