Ghassan El Hoss Eliminated by Bodo Sbrzesny

Dec 7, 2012

Prague is a happy hunting ground for Roberto Romanello after he won his EPT title here a few years ago. Each year, he arrives into town with a posse of his friends from the local casino in Swansea. Ghassan El Hoss – or Jason to his friends – is part of the Romanello crew and he has done the boys proud with his 45th place finish.

Bodo Sbrzesny opens to 12,000 and El Hoss defends the big blind. The flop is [Kh] [7c] [4h] and El Hoss check-calls a 14,000 Sbrzesny bet. The turn is the [Qs], El Hoss checks, Sbrzesny bets 22,000, El Hoss check-raises to 50,000, Sbrzesny moves all-in and El Hoss calls.


Sbrzesny: [Kd] [Qh]
El Hoss: [Kc] [8s]

Sbrzesny in the lead with two pair, the river runs out [2s] and El Hoss is out.

Sbrzesny ~ 785,000

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