Gert Zumkehr Doubles Thru Jeff Forrest

Nov 20, 2011

With around 25,000 in the pot and the board reading [9h8c3dQc], Gert Zumkehr checks in the small blind, and Jeff Forrest, who is in the big blind,  bets enough to put Zumkehr all-in for his last 17,500.  Zumkehr thinks a while, then calls with [As8h] for third pair.  Forrest shows [6c9s] for second pair.

The river brings the [Ac], giving Zumkehr two pair, the pot, and the double up.

Gert Zumkehr – 73,000 (18 BBs)
Jeff Forrest – 39,000 (10 BBs)

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