Gerard Kane Eliminated in 23rd Place ($27,779)

Oct 31, 2010

Jason Mercier raises to 12,500 from the hijack, Gerard Kane calls from the cutoff, and Sorel Mizzi reraises to 38,000 on the button.  Action folds around to Mercier who eyeballs Kane’s remaining 42,000 chips then asks Mizzi for a ballpark of how much he has behind.  Mizzi tells him it is around 375,000 and Mercier folds.

Kane moves all-in for not much more than Mizzi’s raise and Mizzi quickly calls with [AcQd].  Kane shows [KsJd].  The board runs out [Ah9h7d3c10c] and Mizzi’s aces are good enough to take the pot and eliminate Kane.

Sorel Mizzi – 475,000 (80 big blinds)
Gerard Kane – eliminated in 23rd place ($27,779)

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