George Sandford Eliminated by Jozef Komorny in 15th Place (€8,300)

Apr 14, 2024

SXXII WPT Prime Slovakia
Photo: George Sandford

From his remaining 350,000 chips, George Sandford raises to 200,000 in early position. Action folds around to Jozef Komorny who moves all in for a bit over a million.

Sandford commits his final 100,000 chips and is at risk.

George Sandford: Diamond QHeart 10
Jozef Komorny: Diamond ASpade 10

Sandford will need to drill a queen or something creative to survive.

The flop comes Club QHeart 5Club 4 bringing Sandford and his rubber duck card protector exactly what he needed.

But the dealer places the Club A on the turn, sinking his hopes again.

The Club 10 completes the board and seals Sandford’s fate in 15th place.

Jozef Komorny – 1,440,000 (28 bb)
George Sandford – eliminated in 15th place (€8,300)

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