George Plarkou Eliminated in 4th Place ($65,132)

May 23, 2016

George PlarkouGeorge Plarkou and Steven Game had been playing the board of Club KDiamond 2Spade 2Heart 4 fairly timidly, with a bet from the former called by the latter pre-and post-flop. But on the turn, George Plarkou shipped it all-in for 3.4m and had walked into a monster as Steven Game called.

Game: Diamond KDiamond 4

Plarkou: Heart KClub Q

The river Heart 5 gave Game an 8 million-chip pot and left Plarkou super-short.

He was out in the same orbit when he moved all-in pre-flop with Diamond QClub 4 and was called by both Daniel Tang’s Club AClub 5 and Andrew Jankowski’s Club 6Heart 5. The flop of Diamond 5Diamond AHeart 3 saw Tang raise Kankowski away from the pot and George Plarkou was out after the turn Club J and river Heart 7.

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