Gaurav Sood Eliminated by Yoshikazu Fujita in 26th Place ($4,970)

Mar 19, 2023

Following a button raise by Yoshikazu Fujita, Gaurav Sood gets his short stack in from the next seat and the initial raiser calls.

Gaurav Sood: Heart AHeart 10
Yoshikazu Fujita: Diamond 4Spade 4

Kunal Patni comes over to the table and asks for an ace but the request gets denied on a Spade KSpade 8Diamond 7Club 2Heart 2 board, which knocks out Sood in 29th place.

Yoshikazu Fujita – 1,260,000 (42 bb)
Gaurav Sood – Eliminated in 29th Place ($4,970)

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