Gabriel Vezina Eliminated on Bubble by Samuel Guillen

May 14, 2024

Gabriel VezinaPhoto: Gabriel Vezina

Samuel Guillen has solidified his massive Day 1C chip lead by providing the final elimination of the night, and a sizable one at that in the form of Gabriel Vezina.

Guillen opens to 24,000 in early position and is called by Alexandre Bolduc to his left. Action then folds to Vezina who moves all in for 301,000 from the small blind.

Guillen pauses briefly, using a couple of time bank chips before announcing that he is all in as well.

Bolduc comments on the sickness of the spot as he has a sizable stack also, but elects to fold.

Gabriel Vezina: Club ASpade Q
Samuel Guillen: Diamond AHeart K

Guillen has Vezina dominated, and after the Diamond JClub 8Spade 4Heart 6Diamond 7 runout, Vezina can’t save his tournament life sending his stack to Guillen who takes the overall chip lead through three opening flights.

Samuel Guillen – 1,129,000 (112 bb)
Gabriel Vezina – eliminated

Samuel GuillenPhoto: Samuel Guillen

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