Gabor Csaba Eliminated in Massive Cooler

Apr 12, 2024

Gabor Csaba raises to 16,000 under the gun and gets three-bet to 44,000 by Gianluca Escobar in the cutoff. Fabio Muhr then moves all in from the big blind for 179,000.

Csaba then moves all in for approximately 140,000.

Escobar can’t believe his fortune as he moves in over top, covering both with just under 300,000.

If his hand can hold, play is done for the night with a double elimination, but there are still five cards to come.

Gabor Csaba: Club KSpade K
Fabio Muhr: Club AHeart K
Gianluca Escobar: Heart ASpade A

Aces versus kings versus ace-king on the soft bubble!

The flop comes Club QDiamond 10Diamond 2 giving Muhr unlikely hope with a gutshot straight draw.

The turn Diamond 3 leaves Escobar one card away from a massive double knockout.

But incredibly, the Heart J falls on the river to fill Muhr’s gutshot and give him an incredible triple-up, while Csaba is eliminated and Escobar is left short.

Fabio Muhr – 550,000 (68 bb)
Gianluca Escobar – 110,000 (13 bb)
Gabor Csaba – eliminated

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