Full House for Oswalt, Up to 1.85 Million

Nov 18, 2013

Matthew Oswalt raises to 45,000 from the hijack seat and it folds to Alexander Ziskin who reraises to 115,000 from the small blind. The action back on Oswalt, he calls and the pair see a flop come [9c][7s][4h]. Both check. The turn is the [2s] and after Ziskin checks again, Oswalt bets 175,000 and Ziskin calls.

The river is the [4d]. Ziskin checks one more time, and Oswalt bets 225.000. Ziskin tanks for some time, then emerges to make a call, and when Oswalt tables [9h][9s] for nines full of fours, Ziskin mucks.

Matthew Oswalt – 1,850,000
Alexander Ziskin – 470,000

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