Full House for Guenette, Lawrence Short

Mar 31, 2014

Pierre Guenette raises to 205,000 from middle position and Rodney Lawrence calls from the button. The pair check both the [Ad][Ac][2c] flop and [Ks] turn, then when the river brings the [10c], Guenette bets 210,000 and Lawrence calls.

Guenette turns over [As][10h] for a full house and Lawrence mucks, having slipped down under 200,000.

A few hands later Lawrence open-raises all in from the hijack seat for 125,000 and gets two callers in Marco Caza in the cutoff and Guenette in the big blind. Both Guenette and Caza check down the [Qd][10d][9h][8c][3d] board. Guenette has [9c][4s] for nines which beats Caza’s [Ad][8s] for eights, but Lawrence has [Ks][9d] for nines with a better kicker and survives albeit still with a short stack.

Pierre Guenette – 2,050,000 (26 bb)
Marco Caza – 1,550,000 (19 bb)
Rodney Lawrence – 400,000 (5 bb) 

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