Frederic Steinbach Eliminated by Jean Montury

Sep 29, 2018

Frederic Steinbach

Down to around 150,000, Frederic Steinbach moves all in and Jean Montury almost beats him into the pot, which is bad news for Steinbach.

Frederic Steinbach: Club QDiamond Q
Jean Montury: Club ASpade A

Despite flopping a set, nothing really changes for Steinbach as Montury also hits his set on Heart AHeart KHeart Q. The Spade 10 turn provides some chop opportunities, but the Diamond K river is a blank.

“I only play aces,” Montury, jokes the Frenchman when Tobias Peters tries to needle him in table chat.

Jean Montury – 620,000
Frederic Steinbach – Eliminated in 26th Place (31,000 MAD)

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