Frank Gregory Folds Best Hand (Maybe), Michael Mellor Makes Quad 7s, Charles Smith Eliminated

Aug 20, 2016

Charles Smith

Jonathan Bussieres raised UTG+1 to 15,000, Frank Gregory calls from the hijack, and Michael Mellor moves all in from the button for 87,000. Charles Smith (pictured) calls all in from the big blind for about 62,000, and Bussieres tanks for a while before he moves all in over the top for about 250,000.

The action returns to Gregory who confirms that Bussieres moved all in before saying to Mellor, “Look what you started!” Gregory tanks for a while before he folds.”

The remaining three players turn over their cards, and here they are in descending order of chip counts:

Jonathan Bussieres:  Spade 9Club 9
Michael Mellor:  Spade 7Heart 7
Charles Smith:  Heart 8Club 8

Gregory looks at the hands and seems struck with disbelief. He claims to have folded the best hand, and calls himself the worst poker player ever. He says he’s ashamed of what he folded here.

The board comes Spade 10Club 7Spade 4Diamond JDiamond 7, and Mellor flops a set of sevens and rivers quads to win the pot and nearly triple up in chips as he eliminates Smith in ninth place.

After the hand, Gregory claims he folded pocket queens, but regardless of what he held, he would’ve lost to quad sevens.

Michael Mellor  –  248,000  (41 bb)
Jonathan Bussieres  –  140,000  (23 bb)
Charles Smith  –  Eliminated in 9th Place  ($1,000)

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