Frank Athey Wins 3-Way All-In; Keven Stammen Out 54th

Jan 30, 2013

Joe Dimartino raises from early position to 23,000, Keven Stammen moves all in from middle position to 199,000, Patrick Chan calls from late position, and Frank Athey moves all in over the top from the big blind for 389,000.

Dimartino quickly folds, and Chan tanks for a long time before he calls. Here are their cards in descending order of chip stacks:

Patrick Chan:  [QcQs]
Frank Athey:  [KcKs]
Keven Stammen:  [9h9s]

The board comes [7c6d4h2d4c], and the pocket kings hold up for Athey to win the pot, more than doubling up as he eliminates Stammen from the tournament.

Frank Athey  –  1,014,000  (101 bb)
Patrick Chan  –  350,000  (35 bb)
Keven Stammen  –  Out in 54th Place ($10,287)

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