Francis Anderson Doubles Thru Sungwon Lee

Jan 29, 2020

Francis Anderson

Sungwon Lee raises from the cutoff to 22,000, Matt Glantz calls from the small blind, and Francis Anderson (pictured) raises from the big blind to 173,000, leaving himself just 2,000 behind. Lee thinks for a while before he calls, and Glantz folds.

The flop comes Spade AClub 7Club 2, Anderson checks, and Lee bets enough to put Anderson all in.

Anderson calls all in for his last 2,000 with Club ASpade J for a pair of jacks. Lee turns over Heart QClub Q, and Anderson needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The turn card is the Spade K, the river card is the Heart 2, and Anderson wins the pot with two pair, aces and deuces, to double up in chips.

Francis Anderson  –  382,000  (38 bb)
Sungwon Lee  –  1,110,000  (110 bb)

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