Fraddy Gonzalez Puts the Ultimate Cooler on Cody Raymond

May 12, 2024

Fraddy Gonzalez raises to 1,500 in early position before Cody Raymond three-bets to 4,100 in the hijack. Gonzalez then four-bets to 10,500, Raymond moves all in, and Gonzalez calls for 18,500.

Fraddy Gonzalez: Club AHeart A
Cody Raymond: Diamond KSpade K

Raymond finds out he had run his kings into Gonzalez’s aces and doesn’t receive any help on the Club 4Heart 3Diamond 8Club 3Heart Q board as Gonzalez doubles up.

Fraddy Gonzalez- 37,000 (62 bb)
Cody Raymond- 80,000 (133 bb)

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