Four-Way All In and Double Knockout for Benkirane

Sep 27, 2018

Tantaly Rakotoarisoa is part of a four-way all in that also includes Amina Benkirane, who ends up knocking out two players and doubles through Rakotoarisoa. Preflop, Majid Daoud and Peter Muhlbek are already all in and Benkirane check-calls a bet of 8,000 on the Diamond 7Spade 4Spade 2 flop. After the Spade 6 turn, Benkirane moves all in for 12,100 and Rakotoarisoa gives it some thought, then calls with the words “I am sure you have ace king of spades” in table chat.

Amina Benkirane: Spade ASpade 9
Majid Daoud: Diamond ADiamond Q
Peter Muhlbek: Club ASpade Q
Tantaly Rakotoarisoa: Diamond 10Heart 10

Benkirane indeed has the nut flush and the check mark in the hand to secure the double knockout, which reduces the stack of Rakotoarisoa significantly. The river is the meaningles Club K and Benkirane jumps above the average with 86 players out of 158 entries remaining on Day 1A.

Soon after, Benkirane scoops another big pot to boost her stack further.

Amina Benkirane – 120,000
Tantaly Rakotoarisoa – 21,000

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