Four-Card Flush Debacle for Miguel Couceiro

Sep 30, 2018

Miguel Couceiro and Mathieu Papineau get their chips in preflop over on table one and are all smiles when both turn over the same pocket pair.

Mathieu Papineau: Club 10Spade 10
Miguel Couceiro: Heart 10Diamond 10

“Come on, no joke, just split pot please,” Couceiro says and his facial expression turns to shock when the flop appears Club 7Club 4Club 2. Papineau doesn’t get there yet on the Diamond J turn, but the Club 9 river indeed results in the four-card flush for Papineau, who doubles for 760,000.

Mathieu Papineau – 1,600,000
Miguel Couceiro – 160,000

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