Fortunate River for Evgenii Nekrasov

May 25, 2023

Following a raise in early position, the button jams for 5,800 and Evgenii Nekrasov does so for 12,000 in the big blind.

Initial raiser Aleksei Varashev calls with Heart AHeart Q and is ahead against the button’s Spade ASpade 3, Nekrasov shows Spade KSpade Q.

On a board of Heart 10Spade 9Diamond 4Spade 6Heart K board delivers a river escape for Nekrasov with a pair of kings as he more than doubles.

Varashev is left with a shorter stack as a result and bows out soon after.

Evgenii Nekrasov – 32,000
Aleksei Varashev – Eliminated

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