First Post-Redraw Drama at Feature Table

Sep 10, 2023

Felix Kretschmann raises to 105,000 under the gun and gets three-bet by Salih Atac on the button. Kretschmann moves all in for about 1,1 million effective and Atac calls it off.

Salih Atac: Diamond ASpade K
Felix Kretschmann: Spade ADiamond K

It’s just the second flop and first full board since the redraw that will be seen at what’s been a very tight table.

The board comes Club 9Heart 5Spade 8Heart 6Spade 9 and the pot is chopped up.

Felix Kretschmann – 1,980,000 (33 bb)
Salih Atac – 1,175,000 (19 bb)

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