Filipp Khavin Wins WPTDeepStacks Immokalee Main Event!

Sep 20, 2015

Filipp Khavin Wins WPTDeepStacks Immokalee Main EventWith the elimination of Tim Miles in third place, Phil Hernz and Filipp Khavin agreed to a chop in which Herz takes home $47,000, Khavin takes home $45,000 and the two would battle it out for the extra $2,769, POY points, & $3,000 championship package. The two exchanged hands back and forth for nearly 30 minutes before Hernz raised the button to 130,000. Khavin defended the big blind and the two watched as the dealer spread a flop of Diamond JDiamond 10Diamond 7. Khavin checks to Hernz, who continues with a bet of 165,000. Khavin thinks about it briefly before he calls and both players see the Club 3 hit the turn. Again Khavin checks and again Hernz bets, but this time its for 500,000. Khavin moves all in and Hernz calls. Khavin: Club 8Diamond 9 Hernz: Heart AHeart J Khavin flopped the nut straight and has Hernz drawing dead. A meaningless Spade 10 hits the river and Khavin takes an overwhelming chip lead, as Herz is left with just 100,000. A few hands later the two got it all in again. Khavin: Spade 8Heart 3 Herz: Club KSpade 4 The board runs out Diamond 9Club 10Diamond 7Heart 2Club J and Filipp Khavin takes home the title of WPTDeepStacks Immokalee champion! Phil Hernz

Phil Hernz takes home 47,000 and 2nd place

Phil Hernz will take home $47,000 for his second place finish here in Immokalee and Khavin is headed to Calgary for the $2,500, $500,000 guarantee DSPT championship event in December! Here is a look at the full list of results from the final table.

1. Filipp Khavin – $47,769*
2. Phil Hernz – $47,000*
3. Timothy Miles – $22,204
4. Rex Clinkscales – $14,402
5. Cory Williams – $10,302
6. Zoltan Czinkota – $8,858
7. Casey Cheney – $6,757
8. Frank Sloboda – $4,949
9. Carlos Martir – $4,717

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