Felix Schulze and Martin Weiemann Eliminated

Jan 12, 2018

Felix Schulze
Felix Schulze (pictured) four-bet all in for his last 22 big blinds with ace-king into the pocket queens of Jan Bendik and the latter held up to see his stack grow to around 50,000.

One table over, Martin Weiemann bowed out soon after when shoving preflop for a very similar amount. His timing was unfortunately not a good one, as Sergej Barbarez on the button looked him up to create the following showdown:

Martin Weiemann: Heart ASpade K
Sergej Barbarez: Club ASpade A

The board of Heart KDiamond 7Diamond 4Heart 6Spade 9 gave Weiemann some hope for a miracle upset, but ultimately the chips were sent to the former professional football striker Barbarez, who now has 98,000.

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