Fate Hands Manuel Borges Another Doubles Up

Sep 3, 2017

Manuel BorgesManuel BorgesManuel Borges
Manuel Borges moved all in from under the gun for 270,000. Paul Marius three-bet all in from the small blind and Francisco Lopes folded the big blind.

Borges: Diamond AClub Q
Marius: Club ASpade A

Borges had the entire rail on tenterhooks, and he shouted out something. We asked our Portuguese colleagues what he said, and we were told that Borges was rooting for King-Jack-Ten.

The flop came Heart KHeart JSpade 10 and the room exploded. The turn was the Heart 8 and the river the Diamond 6 handing another double up to Borges, to the delight of the assembled crowd.

Borges – 550,000
Marius – 650,000

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