Farukh Tach Doubles with Quads

Feb 21, 2020

It has been a rollercoaster of a ride for Farukh Tach. Currently he is playing just 27,000 and gets them in preflop when it folds unopened to him.

No one wants to get involved until it comes to Dragoljub Martinovic in the big blind and he makes up the difference.

Farukh Tach: Heart 9Club 8
Dragoljub Martinovic: Spade QHeart 7

The flop falls Heart QSpade 9Club 9 and there are a few “ooohs!” from around the table. The turn is another Diamond 9 and Tach smiles before the Heart 5 river comes and collects the 12.5 big blind pot.

Farukh Tach – 62,000
Dragoljub Martinovic – 296,000

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