Farid Jattin Knocks Out Robert Castoire (16th) and Tong En Zhang (15th)

Sep 22, 2016

Tong En Zhang
Photo:  Tong En Zhang

Tong En Zhang raises under the gun to 75,000, and Robert Castoire moves all in from middle position for 265,000. Farid Jattin tanks for a while on the button, asking Zhang how many chips he has. Zhang says he has about 900,000. Jattin calls the 265,000.

Zhang moves all in over the top for about 900,000, and Jattin snap-calls with pocket aces. Here are their cards in descending order of chip counts:

Farid Jattin:  Spade ADiamond A
Tong En Zhang:  Spade KHeart K
Robert Castoire:  Heart AClub 8

The board comes Heart JDiamond 4Club 2Diamond 7Club 6, and the pocket aces hold up for Jattin to win the entire pot and eliminate both players on the same hand.

Farid Jattin  –  4,850,000  (162 bb)
Tong En Zhang  –  Eliminated in 15th Place  ($30,192)
Robert Castoire  –  Eliminated in 16th Place  ($20,191)

Photo:  Robert Castoire
Robert Castoire

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