Faraz Jaka Shows a Bluff and then Takes One Out

Jul 11, 2021

Faraz Jaka

WPTDeepStacks champion Faraz Jaka (pictured) raises to 600 from the button and both players in the blinds call.

The flop is Heart AX KX Q and the blinds check to Jaka, who continues for 1,200. The small blind check-raises to 2,700, the big blind folds, and Jaka reraises to 10,000. His opponent calls.

The turn is the Heart 9, the small blind checks, Jaka bets 11,000, and the small blind calls.

The river is an X 8, his opponent checks, and Jaka moves all in. Jaka’s opponent (who has about 14K left in his stack) asks if Jaka will show, but he gets no response from Jaka. He eventually folds X AX Q face up for two pair, aces and queens. Jaka takes the pot.

Before Jaka mucks his cards, he says his opponent won’t want to see it, but the player asks to see it, so Jaka shows X JX 7 for a jack-high bluff.

Shortly thereafter, that same player opens from under the gun and three players call, including Jaka from the big blind.

The flop is Spade 4Spade 6Diamond 4, and Jaka leads for 200. His opponent from the previous hand raises to 2,000 and Jaka is the only caller.

The Heart 5 falls on the turn, and Jaka checks to his opponent who bets 3,300. Jaka check-raises to a covering amount, and his opponent calls all in for 11,000 with Club AClub 4 for trip fours. But Jaka turns over Diamond 5Spade 5 for a full house, fives full fours.

The river is the Heart 9, safe for Jaka to score the elimination.

Faraz Jaka  –  122,000  (610 bb)

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